A bright mind leads me to be a better person
Venerable Luang Phaw Dhammajayo is like the sun that gives light which eradicates the darkness in people's minds. I am one of the people who learned the bright Right path of life from Luang Phaw. I tranformed from the person who never believed in the afterlife, Hell and Heaven,and perform bad deeds which would lead me to Hell to be the person who performs good deeds and have Heaven as my future afterlife, Nirvana as my goal and the utmost of Dhamma as the ultimate goal. Thanks to the trip to Panawat Meditation Retreat, I've changed to be a person who is now close to the temple inside out.

เผยแพร่เมื่อ November 29, 2008 6,051 Views 318 ครั้ง

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Losing inner strength

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Only keep stilling the mind

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Due to my merit, I got to see it

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Amazing Results from Meditation

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Meditation is so Good

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Stilling the mind makes me happy

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Falling for Myself

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Emerging indefinitely

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My meditation results

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This was due to my virtuous Friend

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