A Little Girl Can Be the Kathina Rob Offering Ceremony Leader!

Part#1:Meditation Session with the most ven.Phrarajbhavanavisudh.
Part#2:Interview with Sabrina Capps, the Little Girl at age of 10 from USA, who wants to undertake a challenging task some grownups dare not to think. That is to be a leader in the Kathina Sumrit Robe Offering Ceremony.
Part#3:Dhamma Talk : Enriching your life through Buddhism by the ven.Burin Thitakusalo on "There is Some Thing More Than Making a Wish! How to Apply Boonya Power or Merits to our Lives"
Part#4:Special Event Summary : VDO of The Help to Those Flood Victims on November 14th, 2009 with Dried-Foods Collected from Alms Giving Ceremonies, and the Recent Alms Giving Ceremonyin Mae Hong Sorn province in Thailand.
เผยแพร่เมื่อ November 29, 2009 6,369 Views 192 ครั้ง
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